The Power of Appreciating Yourself

I recently engaged in a beautiful self-appreciation meditation—I had been moving through life’s motions and operating at max capacity within and beyond the classroom. I was not taking time to stop and appreciate the journey and accomplishments along the way. As I dropped into the meditation, my hands connected to my heart, I began to speak appreciation to myself, and instantaneously tears began to stream down my face in sheer gratitude and appreciation. Afterward, the heaviness I had felt in my chest from compounded stress had lifted.

Cultivating self-appreciation is a transformative practice, especially when we feel that appreciation from the educational environment around us is lacking. Self-appreciation offers benefits that extend both within and beyond the classroom.

Teachers who acknowledge and value their own contributions experience more joy with their job, increase resilience when there are challenges, and are better equipped to create positive and supportive learning environments. Positive self-perception not only enhances our teacher and student relationships but serves as a powerful example, encouraging students to value their own abilities and embrace challenges with a growth mindset.

Additionally, self-appreciation contributes to professional growth, reduces compassion fatigue, and fosters a culture of innovation and creativity in teaching. Ultimately, prioritizing self-appreciation is an essential practice for teacher well-being, that positively influences both personal and professional aspects of the teaching journey.

Strategy: Self-Appreciation :)

You. Are. Valuable.

Acknowledge it, feel it, know it.

  • Step 1: Decide on either sitting in a quiet location or a simple movement--walking works well for this practice

  • Step 2: Set a timer for (at least) two minutes

  • Step 3: Place your hands on your heart

  • Step 4: Take a full breath

  • Step 5: Say out loud self-appreciation statements as you {walk} with your hands on your heart. Only say things about you.

    • Possible starting phrases:

      • "I appreciate that I..."

      • "I appreciate my..."

      • "I appreciate myself for being..."

  • Step 6: Pause, take a full breath, smile and say to yourself, "I appreciate you."

  • Step 7: Continue your day

Classroom Activity--You can do this as a Brain Break with your students. This is also a great way to start the school day! Maybe instead of morning work/bell ringer, have students follow the steps above and walk around their desk/table or move within the classroom perimeter. Have them use a whisper voice level to create a special moment for them to start their day by appreciating themselves for who they are. This is wonderful for families as well!

Special Reminder - Once we nourish and appreciate our own hearts, we can nourish and appreciate those around us. Give to others only after giving to yourself. Be in the space of overflow.

If you have questions or are interested in integrating self-appreciation into your life in and out of the classroom,

let's connect!

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